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Romania - Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide

Begonnen von CalinN, 23. Dezember 2015, 10:04:53

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


I want to let everybody know that the first motorcycle guide book of Romania is now available.
Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide has 27 tracks (touring, soft-enduro and adventure), a detailed map (1.80 000 scale), GPS tracks and tons of details about the Western Carpathian Mountains (Apuseni Mountains).

You can find more information about the guide on our website:

Also you can download a free track description from here:

The guide is available in English and German.
For more details don't hesitate to write to us on this topic or on our contact page.

C2WG Team.



Want to ride the Carphatians too?
- here's something that may be interesting for you:
A buddy of mine operates a little trucking company in Bucharest. Via him, we can offer motorcycle transports from any pickup point in Germany (or neighbor countries). Bikes are brought to Romania by truck, riders go by plane, and when they arrive their bikes are already there.
Likewise for the return: drop off bike in Bucharest, fly home - and a few days later your bike will be deliverd back to your door.
That saves about 2.000 km one way to get there - time better spent in Romania!
Want to know more? - Send me PM.....


Der Frühling ist fast da! Wo führt dich deine nächste Motorradtour?
Hier haben wir einige Vorschläge für dich: 25% Rabatt fur den Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide.
Mehr Info hier unten.


Zitat von: Werner-900ie am 16. Januar 2016, 21:13:54
Want to ride the Carphatians too?
- here's something that may be interesting for you:
A buddy of mine operates a little trucking company in Bucharest. Via him, we can offer motorcycle transports from any pickup point in Germany (or neighbor countries). Bikes are brought to Romania by truck, riders go by plane, and when they arrive their bikes are already there.
Likewise for the return: drop off bike in Bucharest, fly home - and a few days later your bike will be deliverd back to your door.
That saves about 2.000 km one way to get there - time better spent in Romania!
Want to know more? - Send me PM.....

This sounds great!
Can you leave an contact from him?
Or please tell him to write to us at: info_at_carpathian2wheelsguide.com.
Replace the "_at_" with @

Thank you!

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