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HU Travellers meeting in Romania

Begonnen von CalinN, 28. März 2019, 10:27:59

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Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide and Moto-Camp Cisndioara, helped by a handful of friends, organizes the first Horizons Unlimited traveler meeting in Romania at Sebeşu de Sus, Sibiu County, at the foothills of the Făgăraș Mountains.

There will be at a lot of presentations about traveling to exotic places of the Earth
First announced presentation at HURomania2019 is about a journey on another continent: Mo2oCuba | 2019 - The Last Call for Cuba by Dominik Jędrzejowski.

There will also be two practical courses:
Friday - Mobile apps and data sources for adventure traveling.
Calin one of the founders of Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide and the cartographer of the project will show you how you can use mobile apps in your travels. The course will discuses about existing mobile apps, how to add general data sources, how to customize you data and how to use paper maps on your smartphone.
If you want to try the examples you need to download a data pack that you will receive before the event, if you register.

Saturday - Off-road beginners course
Marty will show you the basics of off-road riding that will include: setting your bike, what language to take, riding positions, how to handle different situations and the most important: how to lift a heavy bike.
The course will take place in the base camp and a short ride to practice will be taken at the end.

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...
Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Registration is open now!

More details: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/events/romania-2019/
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/430039181073636/

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